The signs of summer are beginning to show at the Green Department this week. About 2/3's of the crew started back today, and the balance of the crew will be back next Monday. As usual on Mondays, we took advantage of the closed day to get some major jobs done. We spiked and topdressed the greens, mowed the tees for the first time, removed the awning from the front of the clubhouse, began preparing the flower beds for the spring flower (which should be coming this week) and refilled the irrigation system.
Torres ran the aerator with needle tines across the greens today in an effort to help the soil dry and exchange some air after being saturated for so long. Following Torres we topdressed and dragged the sand in with a brush.
The tees were mowed for the first time today and removing the old growth revealed lots of green grass underneath. With the forecasted temperatures this week, look for the course to be much greener by next week.
Recharging the irrigation system was completed today with minimal problems. Look for a post later in the week that will talk more about this. We do not anticipate needing water soon, but it is ready to go when we need it.
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