7:56 PM

Drastic Changes Underway On The Entrance Drive

The major changes to the entrance drive landscape are underway.  The first step is to remove the existing plant material, then regrading and prep for the new plant material.  The trees have been removed and the stumps will be soon to follow.

It is a drastic change having the old trees removed.  The Clubhouse is now visible from Chicago Ave.  New trees will be planted along each side of the drive.  The new trees will show a bright bloom in the spring and fantastic color in the [.....]

3:02 PM

Progress on the New Bunkers

The first changes to the course since the renovation are underway.  The "winter" weather has been fantastic and it has allowed us to make great progress.  The four new bunkers have taken shape and drainage and finish work is the next step.  We will continue to work on these as the weather allows, which appears to be a few more days.

Hole 11

The bunker on hole 11 was the first one shaped.  As the bunkers we dug on holes 10 and 11, the soil was [.....]

11:33 AM

CDGA Turf Scouting Report, July 3rd

For many of us as we head into the Fourth of July, a feeling of good fortune should abound. Temperatures have saved us from almost complete disaster after all the precipitation we have received. Many people will have noticed in the news that June was the wettest June on record in Illinois since records began in 1895. If you didn’t get washed away or notice that carts were not in use as much then you were not at the golf course! Fortunately, temperatures for many of us were [.....]

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