Another step in winterizing the course is closing the Halfway House. There are heaters inside the building, but as a precaution the water lines are drained and the water is removed from the lines using pressurized air in the same manner the irrigation system was winterized.
The first step is the close the valve on the main water line to the Halfway House. This valve is located where the old maintenance building sat at the end of the driving range. Then an air compressor is [.....]
Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! We will be back next week.
After the equipments use for the season is done, it is thoroughly cleaned before the start of it's winter work. Our crew spends several days going through all of the equipment with degreaser, brushes, power washer, towels, and wax. The equipment cleaning was started on Monday, and continue into next week.
The guys power washing and scrubbing the equipment.
Our finished fairway mowers.
Once the equipment cleaning has been finished, the winter work on the equipment is done. This involves sharpening all the reels and blades, [.....]
Another maintenance practice that is indicative of the fading golf season is our final fertilizer application called the dormant application. This application was completed on Monday this week. We again utilized the service of a company to apply the fertilizer over 80 acres of fairways and roughs.
The late fall application is an important application for the health of the turf through the winter months, as well as green-up when the cold temperatures break in the spring time. The timing of the application is the most important aspect of this application. The goal is to spread the fertilizer after the grass has stopped growing, and the last mowing; but, before the ground begins to freeze. Though the [.....]
Winter conditions bring the maintenance on the golf course to a halt. However, there are a few pathogens that continue their activity through the cooler months. These pathogens cause diseases most commonly referred to as pink snow mold and gray snow mold. Our efforts to control these pathogens and limit damage caused by the diseases consists of a fungicide application.
Pink snow mold is the most common snow mold in this area. Though both diseases can occur, gray snow mold is most [.....]
Today and yesterday's labor was directed towards completing a final mowing on all areas of the golf course. Temperatures have become cool enough and days short enough to cause the grass to slow it's growth for the winter months.
Alejandro mowing the 11th green on Thursday.
Torres mowing the 5th fairway on Thursday.
Greens, fairways, and approaches were mowed for the final time on Thursday. Tees and rough were mowed for the final time Today. There only remains a small [.....]
The winterization of our irrigation system is underway. We began the process on Tuesday afternoon, and should be finishing by Thursday afternoon. Winterization of the irrigation system involves removing the water from the lines and heads, as well as changing our pump station configuration.
Removing the water from the lines is easier than it sounds. This involves connecting a large air compressor to the piping system and allow the air to push the water out of the lines.
Air compressor used to fill [.....]
Last week we completed the aeration on our approaches. This week we are planning to get our tees completed.
Ramon aerating a tee.
The crew cleaning up the plugs. [.....]
As nice as the weather was last week, it is that cold this week. As mother nature draws the curtains on another golf season, she draws the curtains on another working season as well. We are well on the way to having the course winterized for the year. Our benches, ball washers, signs and ropes are stowed away for the winter.
Over the winter we will repair any benches that need it, and add a layer of oil to the wood. We will do the same to out seed [.....]