I got out and took a walk around the course today.  There is still snow around but lots has melted.  It is very wet and some areas are flooded.  Other than a little snow mold in the roughs, the course looks fine.

Here are two pictures of some snow mold in the roughs.  These areas will recover quickly ones things dry out.

Some areas still have lots of snow on them.  5 green and approach still has some ice cover as well.

The pond on 17 is out of its banks.  Water is sitting in 16 fairway now.  There is also water sitting in the floodway near 9 and across 2 fairway.
In this issue:

"The Summer of 2010 and what Superintendents can learn from it" Listen to the podcast here.

"Can Annual Bluegrass putting greens be healthy and fast?" Click here

USGA Green Section Record, February 4th
We have had a setback with the progress of the ice rink.  We finished filling the rink with water last Sunday.  Unfortunately, the water did not freeze completely before the blizzard came through.  The weight of the snow on top of the ice pushed the ice down and forced the water underneath to move to the top.  The water and snow created a slushy mixture on top of the ice.  We have been trying remove this mixture before it freezes, then add more water to smooth the surface.  We feel we are making progress, but it is not happening very fast.  Keep checking back for more updates.
Spent all day Wednesday clearing snow.  Here are some pictures:

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