11:28 AM

Wild Weather Leaves The Course Vulnerable

There has been no weather this winter that has caused any harm to the course, and up to this point, the course is in good shape.  However, the wild weather swings over the past week and coming days will expose the course to its highest potential for damage this winter season.  This picture was taken on the 25th when we had single digit temperatures (up from negative temperatures on 22nd).  This past weekend it started raining on Sunday and we are nearing 2 inches of rain since then. [.....]

2:10 PM

Clubhouse Projects

Now that we are almost through January, it is time to get the blog going for the year.  Most of the activity taking place now has been in the clubhouse.  Several small projects have been taking place and they will be wrapping up very soon.  New ceiling tile was installed in the hallways near the locker rooms and in the ladies locker room.  Our staff did this work again this year.  Over the past 3 winters, Mario, Emilio and Torres have replaced all the ceiling tile in the [.....]

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