4:21 PM

Winter Update

We received another small batch of snow this morning.  All has melted from the hard surfaces and only the closely mowed bentgrass is covered on the course.  Very little snow so far this year.  When(if) we do get snow, the course will be available for snowshoeing, cross country skiing, and sledding.  We only ask you avoid traffic on the greens.  The ice rink has a layer of ice but is not ready yet.  We make lots of progress on building ice when the temperatures are in the teens.

8:34 AM

Golf Channel: The Golf Fix - Ball Marks

Even with the greens closed for the winter season, this topic is relevant year-round.  I think this will become a monthly post on the blog through the season.  Ball mark repair is a regular topic during Green Committee discussions, not just here at Naperville, but all clubs.  It only takes a few seconds to repair your ball mark on a green, and that few seconds will leave a better playing surface as well as a better looking surface.  The topic of discussion for us most often revolves around how the surface looks.  Repairing a ball mark is not just about creating a level surface, but also covering the mark.  This video from The Golf Channel videos "The Golf [.....]

12:39 PM

100,000 Page Views

When I brought up the blog this morning to make an update, I noticed the blog had turned over 100,000 page views.  It seems like only a few weeks ago I was tweeting about 80,000 page views, but it was a few months ago now.  It is nice to see that people are finding information on the blog and hopefully it is useful.  I periodically like to check out what people are looking at on the blog and how they find it.  Here is a run-down of the [.....]

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