A New Look For 1 Tee

Big changes will continue to be happening around the 1st tee in the coming weeks.  Last fall three spruce trees were removed to highlight a maturing Bur Oak.  This spring the aging and overgrown junipers and arborvitae behind the tee will be removed to make way for new plantings.

The plantings behind 1 tee have become overgrown and unsightly.  The objective of this project is to maintain the screening between the tee and the circle drive, but improve the aesthetic of the area due to it proximity to the front of the clubhouse.

When this project is complete, the cart path will no longer run behind the tee.  The curb will be cut to allow access to the 1st tee from the circle drive.  A walkway will be maintained where the cart path currently is, and the planting bed will be made larger to accommodate new plantings.  The new plantings will be similar to other that are in front of the clubhouse.  These models give an idea of what the new planting may look like when the project is complete.

This project will begin as the cart path on 9 is finishing up.  This will be a great change for the look at the front of the clubhouse.
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