Drainage Work Planned For May

Another major drainage project is planned on the heels of the project done in 11 fairway last fall.  This project will take place on the hillside on 14 in May (have not scheduled exact dates).

Here is a picture of the hillside during a rain last fall.  The hillside is steep enough for water to drain off.  The problem is the large area that drains to this hillside creates a large amount of water running over land.

Almost the entire first half of the 13th fairway drains across the hillside and down to 14 approach.  This is why the 14th approach stays wet after rain.  This project will focus on collecting the water near the 13th fairway in drainage basins and moving it underground to prevent the water from moving over the surface.  This will require some large pipe and a backhoe, so a contractor will be helping us for a portion of the project.

Getting this area to dry quicker will allow for better growing conditions for the turf.  Since this area is heavily trafficed, a dryer soil will help the turf better withstand the damage from carts.

We also removed the declining pine tree near the cart path this spring.  By removing this tree, it opened up the area which allows us to better spread cart traffic.
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