9:45 AM

Turf Scouting Report, July 27th

Three periods of Bentgrass Decline: Soil Temps Hover at 80°, Anthracnose, Pythium, Fairy Ring, Drought, Peter says Turf Field Day and Tim likes Flowers

Chicago/Northern Illinois Update: Derek Settle -

As July ends, we've learned a few things that a record-hot-brutal-summer can teach you! It turns our July, 2012 had three periods of bentgrass decline. In Chicago the first of our stressful periods began with the wondrous July 4th weather (a string of 100s pounded a cool humid landscape). Let's not forget the blessed rain! Severe thunderstorms are quite common for [.....]

12:00 PM

Slower Greens This Week

While you are playing this week you will notice the greens will be slower than earlier in the year. We have raised the height of cut to give the grass a better opportunity to with-stand the hot temperatures we are having.  The grass has done very well with this weather up to this point, and is still very healthy. We have made it through several key events and are now in a time of year when play is historically slow for the club (it's family vacation time).

8:39 AM

Turf Scouting Report, July 20th

Record Hot and Dry: Soil Temps Reach 85°, Highs +90°, Needed Rain Returns, Peter says Tall Fescue & Tim's phrase is Drought Tolerance of Bentgrass 

Chicago/Northern Illinois Update: Derek Settle -

July began hot, then eased for about a day but once again was over-the-top hot this week. Besides gaining an additional five days to tack onto that Chicago record of 26 days with highs +90°, the biggest story this week was what fell from the sky. It was rain, and in one evening and into the next morning some suburbs [.....]

10:23 AM

Drainage Project Updates

After the 1.3 inches of rain we received last night, we have an opportunity to assess the results of the drainage projects the were completed on 11 fairway and 14 approach.  This 1.3 inches is the largest rain we have had since these projects were completed.  There is a small amount of surface water here on 14 approach, but it will drain in a few hours.  A rain like this last year would have left standing water in the approach, and a very wet and unstable hill for [.....]

8:56 AM

The Weather Is The Story

I won't go into any great detail about this years weather patterns that continue to persist.  The record number of hot days continue to pile on, along with a continued dry spell.  Last year we had nine 90 degree days, this year we have had over 30, and five of those have been 100 degree days.  The ten-day forecast shows 8 more may be added to that total.  Overall the course is holding up well.  The lack of rain is helpful when temperatures are this high.

We [.....]

10:27 AM

Turf Scouting Report, July 13th

A 'Cool' Break: Soil T Falls 10°, Record Heat Meant Poa/Bent Physiological Decline, Dry Means Lawns of Straw, Peter's Brown Patch and Tim says Bluegrass

Chicago/Northern Illinois Update: Derek Settle -

Tired. Not just because record heat has entered our supposed cool, humid environment but also because days are long 'at the end of a hose'. It makes sense when you consider +90° or +100° daytime highs versus the biology of a cool-season turfgrass system (poorly adapted to heat). Turf is tired. Just more item is needed to connect the dots. [.....]

2:52 PM

Turf Scouting Report, July 6th

Record Heat: Chicago Counts Days of 100s for Highs, All 3!, Dollar Spot, Brown Patch, Pythium Blight, Both Peter and Tim Say Dollar Spot as it Explodes

Chicago/Northern Illinois Update: Derek Settle -

When Chicago's cool, humid environment is no longer either we know it, and so does our landscape. A very difficult week for plant health was just experienced. As is always true, it's all about the weather. It was just last summer when a single daytime high crossed the century mark. That raised eyebrows in Chicago because our last [.....]

10:21 AM

If You Haven't Heard, It's Hot

The heat has been relentless this week. The lowest-high temperature our weather station recorded this week was 95.0 on Monday.  It said 99.1 for the high yesterday, and is at 91.2 already today (at 9:45am).  The course has been doing well through it all (this picture was taken Wed. morning), but it is ready for a break in the heat.  We like to look at the daily low temperatures to get an idea of how stressed the plant may get.  The grass can weather high temperatures during the [.....]

8:17 AM

Fireworks Extravaganza Replay

Happy 4th of July! We already had our celebration, but you can relive parts of it here:


8:47 AM

Bluegrass Billbug

An insect pest called the bluegrass billbug has made it's presence known this year.  Thankfully the damage has been very isolated, and at this point is not widespread.  The bluegrass billbug feeds on not only bluegrass, but several types of cool-season turfgrasses.  We have noted damaged on a few tee banks only (up to this point).  The adult billbug does feed on the plant, but the damage that is noticeable is from the larvae(picture on right), after the adult lays eggs in the plant stem.

This is [.....]

8:26 AM

Turf Scouting Report, June 29th

June Ends HOT: 1st Type 2 Fairy Ring on Greens, Dollar Spot Jumps After Rain, Japanese Beetles Build, Peter's 1st Dollar Spot Data and Tim says Tall Fescue

Chicago/Northern Illinois Update: Derek Settle -

Summer just got Record Super Hot. Until now we have been praising our cool-season turf for its deep roots and good color. "Good, nice, wow, terrific." And in response our turf has listened by glowing green and blemish free (given supplemental irrigation). This week things started to change. Peak summer heat entered our Midwest sky above (early) [.....]

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