Turf Scouting Report, July 8th

A String of Hot Days: Wilt Stress, Water Management, Physiological Decline of Roots, Summer Patch, Tim's Early Dollar Spot, and Peter says 'Zenith'

Chicago/Northern Illinois Update: Derek Settle -

Part II begins. With peak turf quality experienced just prior to the Fourth of July, we were smiling as we battened down the hatches. It's midsummer after all and we've come to know it well. The first week of July was hot and the cloudy days which had provided a chlorotic (yellowish) look to our outdoor world suddenly went away. We entered a new week, and this one was all about water management and tanner skin. In my workday I began to move about the city on a more regular basis and the driving to provide diagnostic assistance gave me time to think. It was a season with two parts! Part I began with elements of 2010 having overly wet periods during spring into early summer. It interrupted the game of golf and shortened normal root growth (again). Part II began this week (sunny and dry) and in many instances the loss of turf health was releated to midday wilt and the usual green collars suffered the most. With the lowest humidities of the season it did make sense. The consistent new issue was decline associated with poor root characteristics and this meant physiological decline had begun. The wear and tear on golf surfaces might just overtake its ability to grow if adjustments aren't made. Welcome to Part II! With close monitoring of evapotranspiration rates and soil moisture our 2011 season continues. We're seeing more folks outdoors and 'some' began looking forward to fall (Part III).

Click here to view the July 8, 2011 Scouting Report.

Have a great weekend and enjoy the warmth?

Derek Settle, PhD
Director of Turfgrass Program
Weather Blog 

Timothy A. Sibicky, MS
Manager of Turfgrass Research
Research Blog 
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