Drain is Finished on 15 Approach

We have completed the drain in 15 approach.  We had a large group of guys that worked very hard to get this completed in 2 days.  They did a fantastic job and the final product looks great. A montage of photos of the drainage project can be found at our YouTube account HERE.

This was another area that was notorious for remaining wet for several days after a rain event.  This would force us to skip mowings in this area and leave it roped of to cart traffic for several days.  This should remedy those issues.

There was an existing drain line that drained the front half of the green and the bunker on the right side of the approach that ran across the approach to a drainage basin left of the green.  We traced that drain line and were able to connect to it just left of the approach rather that trenching the entire distance through the rough to the drainage basin.

The sod was stripped where the lines were trenched.  Plywood is used to prevent the tires of the trencher from damaging the turf.

This picture illustrates why this area was slow to drain.  the top 5 inches is good top soil that likely drains well.  The soil under those top 5 inches is very heavy, sticky clay that does not drain.  As the water moves through the soil, it hits this layer of clay which acts as a bathtub in this low area and hold water.  The gravel filled drainage lines will provide channels for the water to drain through.

Here is a picture of the trench that shows the gravel over the drain tile and the sand used to fill the trench to the existing grade.

Here is a picture of the final product.  This area will remain roped of until the sod that was cut begins to root back into the ground.  This will allow it to withstand cart traffic.
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