Turf Scouting Report, September 24th

Sept. 24, 2010 Scouting Report
Fall Arrives Officially: Our last 90 degree day, Dollar spot wows, Tim's Biorational results, Nick says ImageResizer and MediaFire

Chicago/Northern Illinois Update: Derek Settle -
Sept. 23 officially marks the first day of fall, yet a 90° high temperature returned to Chicago's south side. For example, Midway Airport recorded 90°. A little farther to the west in Lemont, Sunshine Course didn't quite make it there (we would record 88°). At a CDGA board meeting at Lake Shore Country Club that same day (each club has one elected representative) I was wearing a nice tie and did my very best to summarize 2010 regarding turfgrass health.

As I spoke, a hot, windy day unfolded on Chicago's North Shore. Ironically that was my main point. We had just experienced a return of 'a normal summer' (23 days above 90°). In the Midwest it wasn't a summer of blistering highs that upset the balance; rather it was a consistently warm summer that caused trouble beyond just disease. For cool-season turf such as bentgrass we had experienced physiological decline! From July 3rd we counted 49 days non-stop with daytime highs at or above 80° F. In Chicago that overtook 42 days recorded in 1955 when Dwight D. Eisenhower was president. For golf course superintendents, the third full week of September had to feel good as we continue to gain distance from August (an especially hot month). Rapid turf recovery has ensued and we are humming - that is the leaf blowers, aerifiers, and seeders. Fall!

Click here to view the complete Sept. 24, 2010 Scouting Report.

Have a good/distancing weekend.

Derek Settle, PhD
Director of Turfgrass Program
Chicago District Golf Association
11855 Archer Ave
Lemont, IL 60439

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