9:07 AM

Turf Scouting Report, June 24th

A Wild Week of Weather: A 90+ Degree Day, Significant Wind Injury Hits Chicago, New x 3 (Anthracnose, Brown Patch, Pythium Blight), Japanese Beetles in Central IL, Dollar Spot and Spenophorus Catches Tim's Eye 

Chicago/Northern Illinois Update: Derek Settle - DSettle@cdga.org

Not a good week. We endured a bad storm with winds of 70-80 mph this week and it put Chicago's weather on national news. For more photos and information about the storm see http://blog.chicagoweathercenter.com/. As you can see my introductory list of current disease issues has quickly grown. [.....]

9:17 AM

Some Dry Weather Forecasted

We finally have some dry weather in the forecast over the next few days.  If you have asked me how things were going on the course lately, it is a good chance I mentioned we could use some dry weather.  The soil has been near saturation for sometime now due to the regular rain intervals we have had.  The wet soil is fine for brief periods, but extended time periods with wet soil is not good for the turf.  Turfgrass roots need oxygen for proper growth, and a [.....]

9:22 AM

Setting Up For Fireworks

As one would expect, the biggest event the club hosts each year does require an extraordinary amount of work by the clubhouse staff and the green department.  Preparations start well before the event takes place, and the tear down last a few days after the event is over.

The earliest efforts the club makes are with the Naperville Fire Department and the pyrotechnicians to receive the appropriate documentation and permits for the fireworks.  But, the bulk of the efforts start after the driving range is closed on [.....]

9:54 AM

Double-Crested Cormorant In 17 Pond

A month ago we were regularly seeing a pair of Cormorants in the pond on 17.  One day we saw 2 pairs hanging out in the pond.  These birds likely stopped of during their migration north.  We have not seen them around lately.  The Cormorant is fun to watch in the pond.  It is a diver, and I was able to catch a video of it diving.  The feathers on Cormorants are different from ducks, in that they do not repel water.  This picture on the left shows [.....]

9:36 AM

Arborvitaes Are Done

This was a project that we had a hard time finding good days to complete.  The crew did a fantastic job on the days that we could work on it.  We started planting these 10 days ago and through 4 days of rain, 2 outings, and a weekend they have been completed.

The crew used a piece of equipment to move the arborbitaes, but the prepping, digging, and backfill all had to be done by hand because of the small space.

(l to r) [.....]

4:38 PM

Almost Dodged The Storm

We were able to sidestep the brunt of the storm, but the evidence of it was still present on the course.  1 small tree was lost, one large branch (pictured left, between 12 & 13 fairway), and lots of small branches and debris.  We also received 0.80 inches from the storm and another 0.15 inches through the day today.  We were able to make progress on the cleanup today.  Most of the smaller debris has been cleaned from the course.  We plan to get the larger debris cleaned [.....]

5:32 PM

Water Is Back On To The Halfway House

The problem at the well has been repaired and water service will be back on to the Halfway House starting Tuesday.  We are not sure the exact sequence of events, but several leaks were repaired at the well that sits under the 2 man holes in front of the blue tee on 3.  We believe that the pressure tank began leaking which filled up the vault it sits in.  As this happened, the tank began to float as the water level increased in the vault.  Then as the [.....]

9:19 AM

More Arborvitaes Near 1 Green

Last week the crew began adding to the line of arborvitaes that were planted last fall.  This was an unplanned project for this year, but after the city made repairs to a sewer line near Chicago Ave. (Work On Cart Path Near 1 Green), the club had the opportunity to work with the city to repair this area.

One arborvitae will go to replace one that was broken during the winter months, after being the victim of a car sliding off the road and through the fence. [.....]

2:00 PM

Turf Scouting Report, June 17th

Summer Starts Next Week: Temperatures Become Normal, Signs of Fairy Ring, High Soil Moisture Impacts Weather, Peter Likes Bluegrass Cadillacs, and Tim Says Kingpin, CY-2, and Memorial 

Chicago/Northern Illinois Update: Derek Settle - DSettle@cdga.org 

We've had a pretty good week as far as turfgrass health goes. A large rain event occurred on Wednesday and totals across Chicago's south suburbs were more than we needed (again). The 1.6 inch deluge in Lemont made me worry a bit, but the rest of the week we continued a drying trend. I [.....]

11:22 AM

90 Years of Naperville Country Club

Naperville Country Club, host to many a legendary golfer and recent winner of several prestigious design awards, celebrates its 90th anniversary this year.When a group of Naperville businessmen who, enamored with the new recreational sensation sweeping the nation, applied to the state of Illinois to form the Naperville Country Club in 1921, they established a tradition that would help define the business and social lives of many Naperville families for generations.This year marks the 90th anniversary of the venerable golf and social club that was founded during [.....]

10:45 AM

Course Is Recovering

The club has played host to several events over the last 5 days.  We were fortunate that the thunderstorms late last week did not prevent any of the events from being postponed, however the rains that came with them have left evidence of the soggy soils they created.  Carts were allowed on the course to better accommodate the large amount of play and a few areas have been damaged from the cart traffic.  These areas have been roped off, and now that the soil has dried, were not [.....]

8:15 PM

Ball Mark Repair

A ball mark is defined as a depression or tear in the putting surface made by the impact of a golf ball. Nothing is more frustrating to a player than an unrepaired ball mark that causes a putt to veer off line. No matter what the facility, or level of play, all golfers are responsible for repairing their own ball marks. An unrepaired ball mark can take 3-4 weeks to heal, leaving behind an unsightly and uneven putting surface. A properly repaired ball mark will completely heal in [.....]

6:26 PM

Turf Scouting Report, June 10th

Hot then we Flood: Counting +90° Days, Dollar Spot Impresses Me, Peter Sees Flowers, and Tim says W. circinata var. circinata (again) 

Chicago/Northern Illinois Update: Derek Settle - DSettle@cdga.org

More flooding? We are weary of an early warm-up each growing season because we know those temperatures are more than cool-season turfgrasses can take for long. However, a silver-lining was in the forecast this week - a dramatic drop in temperatures would take place and turf managers in Illinois were comforted. As it would turn out I was miles away preparing to speak [.....]

8:10 AM

Invitational Preparation

Watch us prep the 18th hole in 5 minutes.


1:24 PM

NCC Invitational and the US Open

The most recent issue of the USGA Green Section Record includes a fact sheet of information about the US Open at Congressional.  With the club's Invitational being played this week, I thought you would be interested to see how the fact sheet for our Invitational looked next to the fact sheet for the US Open.

*The fact sheet for the Invitational is what we had planned-before 3.10 inches of rain fell.

Here is a link to the Congressional Country Club fact sheet from the USGA.


10:24 AM

Lots Of Rain Today

2.80 inches of rain has accumulated on the course today.  There will be no carts available for Thursday.  It came very quickly as well, so water is rapidly running through the course.

The rain has stopped now and we are beginning work to repair bunkers and clean up the branches that have fallen.

Here is a picture of the water backing up at 3 tee.
Another picture showing the water across 2 approach.

5:58 AM

Rain And Lightning Delay For Thursday

The course did receive 1.25 inches of rain overnight, and the picture on the left is showing more is on the way.  We have not been able to get the crew on the course yet due to the lightning we are receiving.  Carts will not be available to start the day.

For review, here is a link to a previous post regarding the club's lightning detection system:

Weather Policy and Lightning Safety [.....]

9:28 AM

Steven Contributes To On Course Magazine

The club's history and the Green Department blog were recently featured in the pages of On Course magazine, the monthly publication of the Midwest Association of Golf Course Superintendents.

NCC was featured on the cover of the April issue of On Course in conjunction with the MAGCS monthly meeting that was held at the club.  The meeting went as planned, however rain dampened our pursuits for golf in the afternoon.  This was the second time since September that the monthly meeting at NCC has not gone as [.....]

7:06 PM

Preparing For The Invitational

Much of the work over the past 2 weeks has been organized to prepare for this week's member-guest Invitational.  Aside from performing our regular mowings each day of the tournament, we work to complete several tasks before the event.  All of these tasks are performed on a regular interval, but we strive to have them all completed the same time before this event to have the course looking as best as we can.  Some of these tasks include trimming, pulling weeds, pruning bushes and fertilizing.

We have [.....]

5:36 AM

Turf Scouting Report, June 3rd

It's June: Another Holiday Flood?, Melting-out of KBG, Waitea Wows, Dollar Spot Progresses, Peter Likes Tall Fescue, and Tim says W. circinata var. circinata 

Chicago/Northern Illinois Update: Derek Settle - DSettle@cdga.org

Summer? This growing season now quickly feels like summer - though officially it's still spring. When you watch experienced superintendents and plantsmen, you begin to understand why their planning and preparation is so essential. Once the season begins, it moves quickly. It reminds me of a big locomotive with energy and motion that cannot slow or stop quickly. Our season of rapid growth has begun. First, Kentucky bluegrass began to thicken roughs to golfer delight. Second, our biggest issue of this spring goes away - red-purple bentgrass is now green. [.....]

11:09 AM

The Superintendents Tool Box: Soil Moisture Meter

I have gotten several questions from people who have seen me using this tool, and I am sure there are many others who were wondering but never asked.  This is a soil moisture meter that measures the moisture content as a percent by volume of the soil.  We have used this religiously over the past few years to better manage our irrigation applications with the hope of providing the most consistent conditions possible.

The two probes are inserted into the soil to get a reading.  The meter [.....]

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